Chrysal Flower Food (5 Pcs)


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    • Code: CHRYSAC5IN1
    • Origin: Local
    • Quantity: 5 Pcs
    • Type: Flower Food

    Chrysal flower food is a product designed to extend the life of cut flowers in a vase. Here's how to use it:

    1. Prepare a Clean Vase: Start with a clean vase. Make sure there are no remnants of old flower food or bacteria in the vase.

    2. Mix the Solution: Follow the instructions on the Chrysal flower food packet to determine the correct amount to use. (1 packet add with 500ml water)

    3. Stir Well: Stir the solution thoroughly to ensure that the flower food is completely dissolved in the water.

    4. Trim Flower Stems: Before placing the flowers in the vase, cut the stems at a 45-degree angle. This allows the flowers to take up water more easily.

    5. Remove Foliage: Remove any leaves that will be submerged in the water. Foliage in the water can promote bacterial growth.

    6. Arrange Flowers: Arrange your cut flowers in the vase as desired.

    7. Change the Water: To maintain the flower's freshness, change the water and add a new solution of Chrysal flower food every 2-3 days. Re-cut the stems each time you change the water.

    8. Keep Away from Direct Sunlight and Drafts: Place the vase of flowers in a location away from direct sunlight and drafts. This will help prolong the life of the flowers.

    9. Monitor Flower Condition: Regularly check the condition of the flowers. Remove any wilted or spent blossoms to prevent them from affecting the other flowers.

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